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Vaagdhara reports “Merely depending upon ICDS Centers is not a solution to reducing malnourishment”
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Child Rights India
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Child Rights Education Program by Vaagdhara and Save the Children organization

Child Rights Education Program by Vaagdhara and Save the Children organization

Child Rights Education Program

Vaagdhara in association with Save The Children, organized awareness programs in various schools of the Banswara district of Southern Rajasthan, to educate children about their rights.

At Madareshwar school of Banswara, in the presence of teachers and other staff members, children were taught their basic rights in a comprehensive way across the school. They were also made aware of various laws, policies, and provisions in place by the Government, and other social organizations.

The program also helped them understand that children falling in the age category of 0-18, can enjoy their rights to the fullest, and if anyone is interfering in it, they can immediately report it under law. They were suggested to dial ChildLine toll free number 1098 in case of emergency to get the needed assistance immediately.

Child Rights Protection expert Gopal Pandya, program coordinator Pramod Pandya, principal of the school Gopal Rao, ChildLine team member Kamlesh Bunkar, were present, among others.

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