Child Rights realization Still a faraway dream?

Child Rights Education Program by Vaagdhara and Save the Children organization
Child Rights Education Program by Vaagdhara and Save the Children organization
November 17, 2016
Sachha Bachpan – Childrens voices on child labor and the new child labor law
November 26, 2016

Do your bit to see the change!

Theres nothing more joyful than a smile that lurks across a childs face, and more heartfelt if the reason behind it is YOU! Have you ever experienced it? If not, youre definitely missing something, we bet!

Every child has the right to be to be loved and cared for, to be respected, to dream, to fulfill those dreams, and these rights must be protected. Yes, they surely should be. But unfortunately, there are many innocent beautiful souls, who do not get a chance to realize their rights, who are deprived of even basic necessities, who are subjected to violence, unaware of their rights and freedom.

Vaagdhara has been instrumental in addressing child rights, and bringing forth issues pertaining to children at local, national and international levels. Recently, we ran a campaign for child awareness in various schools of Banswara district, to let these poor folks know their right to survival, right to development, right to protection, and right to freedom. Very few were found to already have known their fundamental civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights, which is saddening.

There is a long way to go in realizing the rights of children in India. No denying the fact that all the rules and policies by the government are in place, but there is a lack in enforcement of these initiatives. There are quite a few aspects that prevent effective implementation of the passed laws. And due to improper measurement and monitoring, relatively low success is seen in reaching concrete child development outcomes. If we go deep down the villages of India, the condition of underprivileged kids is harsh and needs urgent attention.

Vaagdhara is doing its bit in the areas of southern Rajasthan, but overall there is a need to intensify initiatives for children welfare at all levels, implementing the rules and provisions, and contributing to create a happy world for all children equally. We do voice our thoughts, and let it reach the authority, but would encourage all of you to contribute a bit, and feel the satisfaction of having improved a childs life.

We offer hope, you can help! Contact us anytime to know more, and how we together can bring a positive change in childrens life.

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