Success Stories

Heer : The messenger of de-addiction
Heer daughter of Mangla belongs to a poor family of village Maacha Molan. She is a handicapped girl with strong determination. At the time of starting of the FFHD program, she was 8th standard pass. Her qualification and determination was the reason behind her appointment as Path-Guru in the project. She started teaching in the school along with motivating village women about education. Her way of teaching, motivation and dedication increased students’ enrolment in the school. She was not only motivating about education but also spreading awareness about health and hygiene. She gave special emphasis during dialogue with women on de-addiction, as alcoholism was the major problem of the village.
Though, she herself is a handicapped person but she taught lessons to the community about how to stand strongly in a successful manner. Now, due to her firm efforts, people of the village changed drastically particularly about alcoholism. .