Vaagdhara celebrates the joy of freedom with 425+ Gram Sabhas
August 16, 2016
A Campaign against Child Migration & Child Labour
August 23, 2016
First time in tribal belts, is seen real awakening for child protection and for the active functioning of Child Protection Committee (CPC) in Gram Sabhas. The NGO, Vaagdhara, planned for an election of chairmanship of Child Protection Committees - a unique procedure, first time in the history of child development and protection of their rights.

The CPCs in Gram Sabhas are entitled to carry out a number of important functions for raising awareness about child protection concerns within communities. But to ensure they are performing their tasks well for the welfare of child and young people, an immediate action was to be taken. Vaagdhara team, with the support of local community planned and successfully conducted election of chairmanship, by allowing children to choose a member of their committees.

This initiative taken by the NGO also came out as an effective tool to influence the decision making process and ensure child participation at macro level. The process witnessed active participation from village children, discussing upon their rights, manifesto on what they will do after being linked with CPCs and more importantly, creating a legitimate democratic space for themselves in Panchayats decisions.

Besides, it also strengthened the local governance of the village through sensitization of elected representatives, and their dedication for their role towards children betterment in tribal regions of South Rajasthan.

This initiative, by Vaagdhara for the protection of child rights in tribal area, is seen as a remarkable achievement as the children of age between 6-18 years are the voters who elected the chairman in more than 10 panchayats. Little children showing active participation and enthusiasm for their own rights is the true rise of freedom in India.

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