National Girl Child Day 2017

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National Girl Child Day 2017

National Girl Child Day 2017

On the occasion of National Girl Child Day, Save the Children in association with Vaagdhara organised special Gram Sabha in 50 gram panchayats of Dungarpur and Banswara districts. During the program, the participants discussed issues related to child protection such as child labor, child marriage, girl education, child abuse, child friendly environment at school level and other issues related to children.

In one of the Special Baal Gram Sabha at Government Higher Sec. School, BamanPada, participants shared information of various schemes related to girl child education. Like,

  1. Financial support to tribal students for higher education
  2. Study in reputedschools for selective students from class 6 to 12th.
  3. Devnarayan Scheme of Distribution of Scooty / encouragement amount for girls
  4. Information related to “Aapki Beti Yojana” and Social protection schemes such as Palanhaar help to link migrant labourers to government schemes and guarantees them income security.
  5. Financial support and scholarships to the talented or first division passed students of tribal community
  6. Special coaching schemes forspecial class or subject at ashram hostel
  7. Wadi – Day Care centers and Maa center’s management
  8. Participation in children groups and discussions in Child Safety Committee at village level
  9. Contact 1098 or use Child Safety Suggestion Box to share problems related to child marriage, child labor, child migration, etc.

Apart from these, information related to other schemes werealso shared with the attendees like Indira Priyadarshini Award, Sabla Scheme which aims at empowering Adolescent Girls of 11-18 years by improving their nutritional and health status, upgradation of home skills, life skills and vocational skills, Mid Day Meal, ?????? ????? ????? – Women and Child Development, etc.

TheBaal Gram Sabha on National Girl Child Day was attended by Sarpanch, Teachers, Secretary, VCPC members, Child Group members.

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