Sudeep Sharma

Lead PAI

With a wealth of 16 years of expertise in Program Management, Strategic Planning, and Policy Advocacy, Sudeep brings invaluable skills to his role. Leading the Policy Advocacy Initiative at VAAGDHARA, he actively collaborates with policymakers, government officials, political leaders, civil society organizations, networks, and stakeholders. His primary focus is advocating for policy and regulatory changes tailored to meet the specific needs of indigenous communities. Additionally, Sudeep plays a pivotal role in facilitating community institutions, crafting advocacy strategies, and developing resource materials. His extensive background includes contributions to Save the Children India, IIHMR Jaipur, and the Government of Rajasthan, refining his skills in policy advocacy, research, and program management. Academically, Sudeep holds a Doctorate in Management and a Master's in Healthcare Management. Committed to continuous learning, he is currently pursuing studies in law.