VAAGDHARA is a non-profit organization, registered under Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958. VAAGDHARA draws its name from its area of working i.e., Vagad-the tribal area of Rajasthan adjoining Gujarat and Dhara (stream). The core value of the organization is Swaraj ‘self-reliance’ which is drawn from Gandhian philosophy, but at the same time, it believes in the use of latest technology for the development of tribal and poor.

For more than 2 decades, VAAGDHARA has been working with the tribal community in the western part of India (in adjoining areas of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat) with 100,000 tribal families in 1000 villages of 3 States. Following the Swaraj philosophy, VAAGDHARA is making efforts on True Farming (focus on food and farming sovereignty), True Childhood (community-based child protection and child rights initiatives) and True Democracy (reaching the most marginalized ensuring their entitlements and participation in the governance).

VAAGDHARA has implemented several developmental interventions in tribal region of Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh. The organization has played key roles as facilitator in collaboration with the Government for betterment of school education, child nutrition, livelihood improvement integrating through agriculture and allied interventions, adoption of natural resource management programs like Integrated Farming System etc. Experiences so far have motivated VAAGDHARA to develop strategy for sustainable development of tribal community, ensuring their sovereignty. Therefore, the coming 5 years will act as a driving force for institutional ecosystem of tribal junction in which focus will be on creation & nurturing of peoples’ organizations and empowering the communities so that community initiate, plan, implement and manage the interventions and processes in sustainable manner.


Vision, Mission and Objective

Vaagdhara visualizes a socially just, technologically improved and democratic society, free from ignorance, hunger, fear and exploitation where poor and marginalized have equal opportunity and rightful share of resources, information and development process.
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Secretary Desk

We have been promoter of Sustainable Integrated Farming System – SIFS approach among the local farming communities in Rajasthan and adjoining tribal regions of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat for the past five years.
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VAAGDHARA Board Members

Board Members
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