International Women’s Day 2016

Screening of “Sacchi Kheti” – 2016
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When you empower a woman, you elevate her community. This is the core concept behind our development efforts in the Tribal Belt of India: a ripple effect occurs when we believe in women and invest in their potential. We are seeing the power of women every day in our fields, where they are creating opportunities for the next generation.

Today, on the 8th of March, 2016, is the International Womens Day, with the theme Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step it Up for Gender Equality, which depicts the aim to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development goals by 2030 with the focus on Gender Equality, Womens Rights and Women Empowerment. This is a day to cherish what has been achieved so far, to remind ourselves and others what still has to be done and to call for change.

Tapping the power and potential of women is essential to addressing the global challenges we face. The proof is out there. When women and girls have access to education, health care and nutrition, are involved in decision making processes, their families and communities are more productive and stable. Through the possible efforts, we are working directly with 8540 tribal womento call for change in society and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by women who have played an extraordinary role in their ordinary lives.

vaagdhara-womens-daySincere Thanks to our Partners Freedom From Hunger, Welthungerhilfe and NABARD for making this possible with their support.

On this International Women’s Day — and every day — we have a responsibility to stand united and work together in the ongoing struggle for the rights of women and girls nationwide so that they may live full, healthy, and productive lives. -Happy Womens Day!

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