Ms. Dhuli Kumari has been selected for GBV champion at state level from Vaagdhara
September 15, 2018
The Farmers Sovereignty March – ??????? ????? ?????????? ??????
January 15, 2019

Conventional nutritional farming initiatives for better nutritional results through Annapurna model in the tribal community

Nutrition Fair was organized on 24th September 2018 by Janjatiya Swaraj Sangathan Sahyog Ikai Anandpuri, Vaagdhara at playground premises of Anandpuri Panchayat Samiti. The Chief Guest Mr. Santosh Patel (Youth Leader) and the program was chaired by Mr. Rakesh Singhada. The program was facilitated by Shri P.L. Patel, he gave information about the purpose of the Nutrition Fair and welcomed all the guests present. Growing up the program, Shri Rohit Samaria gave detailed information about the indigenous seeds and organic vegetables shown in the exhibition organized in the Nutrition Fair and told how beneficial it is to health and the nutrients found in them. He also told about the nutrients in the intake of grain and advised to use it in breakfast, due to the next generation in which children, women and men health will be good.  After this, Shri Sohan Nath Jogi encouraged the tribal community towards the cultivation of nutrition-sensitive farming and adoption of nutrition-sensitive farming by the community and encouraged farmers to cultivate local seeds and crops. Shri Sandip Janawat, who was present at the program from the HEIFFER International, gave information about the work being done on livelihood and nutrition. After this, Mr. Rakesh Singhada, President of the program, explained to all the participants on the importance of local nutrient products and requested that we should use local and uncultivated vegetables. Giving information about the side effects of the body brought from the market, such as cancer, heartbeat, hypertension, etc., the vegetables which are brought from the market, use highly chemical pesticides and fertilizers, which are used by humans It is very harmful to the body. Addressing the women and children present in the program, Mr. Santosh Patel, the chief guest of the program, stressed on making organic production to all farmers and stressing on cultivation from traditional seeds, said that we would like to introduce local vegetables and indigenous seeds and grains should be used. He also said that if you produce organic vegetables and products and they do not buy the merchants then we are ready to buy them from the farmers. Under the program, a beautiful nutrition song was sung on the nutrition by the Annapurna group and Shri Prabhulal Ji, which encouraged the importance of nutrition in the people. At the end of the program, thanking all the guests, participants, Vaagdhara team and the whole team of Janjatiya Swaraj Sangthan by Mr. Majid Khan. he expressed gratitude for the contribution made to make the program successful. In the program, about 2000 women, men, youth and children have participated with Anandpuri, Kushalgarh, and Ghatol's JanJatiya Swaraj Sangathan.

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